Orion API - Django Template Library

[DRAFT] Last updated by Joe Schaefer on Mon, 22 Apr 2024    source

This document covers the Django Template Library (DTL) APIs.

DTL (Django 1.0 Template Library)

Django 1.0 Filter Extensions (Dotiac::DTL::Filter)


Takes a single argument and appends its value to the filtered input. The argument can be a varname or a quoted string; this filter will be smart about / characters being joined together on the append.


Like cut, but the argument is taken as a substring to elide, instead of a list of characters.


Extracts the text between the {# lede #} blocks in the filtered input string.


Recursively evaluates all Django ssi tags in the filtered input string.


Tests for prefix match.


Returns the traditional UNIX dirname of the path in the filtered input string.


Interface for SunStarSys::Util::parse_filename. Key difference is that the first two return values of that subroutine are swapped, and the path extensions are all broken out (with . prefixed) into individual arguments, allowing this filter to take an argument string representing a list of indexes into the resulting array. As a special case, an argument ending in .. will join all parsed extensions to the end of the resulting string.


Returns the traditional UNIX basename of the path in the filtered input string. Passing an argument of 0 to this filter will cause it to strip all file extensions from the resulting string.


Transforms LaTeX\LaTeX sources into Markdown+KaTeX\KaTeX sources.


The inverse transformation of tex2md.


Takes a lang argument to provide a locale-specific representation of the day, month, and year of the most recent change presented by the $Date Subversion keyword in the filtered input string (which is typically the full content of the current resource).


Represents the numerical hour, minute, seconds, and timezone offset of the most recent change presented by the $Date Subversion keyword in the filtered input string.


Presents a safe HTML representation of the user who updated the content most recently, as recorded by the Subversion keyword $Author keyword in the filtered input string. Takes an optional lang argument for a locale-specific representation.


Presents the numerical revision number of the most recent change to the content, as recorded by the $Revision keyword in the filtered input string.


Strips the (path) prefix, passed as an argument to this filter, from the filtered input string (path). The prefix defaults to the regex \S+/content/ otherwise.


Shuffle the array.


Grab the first HTML5/Markdown image from the filtered content.